Our vision
The Vision of IMPACT!, Inc. is a society in which all individuals recognize the potential for their own impact within their community, feel responsible for the greater good of society, and strive to be an agent for positive change by volunteering their time and talents toward a cause or causes that they believe in. Our mission The Mission of IMPACT!, Inc. is to increase civic participation in impoverished communities, encouraging engaged citizenship and civic responsibility through volunteering and service-learning. The "why" It is our belief that everyone has skills, abilities, and interests that can contribute to society. It is also our belief that everyone has a cause or causes that they believe in. Most of us are busy individuals going through life trying to take care of our family, earn a living, and tend to the day to day activities required of us… do the laundry, cook dinner, go grocery shopping, mow the lawn, etc… We turn on the news and are bombarded with stories of the ills of our society and of the world. Disheartened with the state of affairs in the world, we shake our heads, go to sleep and wake up again the next day to repeat the cycle. Individuals Making Positive Advancements in their Communities Together, Inc. was formed to break that cycle. Barack Obama said “change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for, we are the change that we seek.” At Individuals Making Positive Advancements in their Communities Together, Inc. we believe that if we all volunteered just a little of our time to contribute to the greater good of our communities in whatever way we are able, we could change the world overnight. IMPACT!, Inc. seeks to help people realize the gifts they possess and connect them with like-minded individuals, initiatives, and organizations within their own community who are working on a cause or causes that match with their own interests. Ryunosuke Satoro said: “Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” At IMPACT!, Inc. we believe in the power of our collective abilities to have a significant impact on our immediate communities and on the world. If you feel motivated to make a difference to others, we would like to help you find your outlet; where an outlet does not exist, we would like to help you create your own. Equity and Inclusion at IMPACT!, Inc. At Individuals Making Positive Advancements in our Communities Together, Inc. (IMPACT!, Inc.), our mission is to leverage volunteerism and service learning to create stronger communities for everyone. We recognize that we all have unique experiences that influence who we are and the way we think, and we embrace that diversity as a strength within communities and within our own organization. As an Equal Opportunity Employer we stay true to our values by ensuring that our organization is welcoming and respectful to everyone and inclusive of the very people we serve. Individually we are each a beautiful and powerful force for good; together, we are unstoppable. |